Monday, August 1, 2011

The Stupids Step Out/ Challenged

Plot Summary:
            Stanly Stupid, tells his wife and family; Mrs. Stupid, Buster, Petunia, and Kitty (their dog), that they are going to be “stepping out today.” They proceed to get ready. The entire family gets together in a bathtub without actually drawing a bath or taking off their clothes. They wear clothing incorrectly, and go off to Grandmother and Grandfather Stupid’s house. Upon arrival, Grandfather stupid does not recognize Stanly as his son and Grandmother Stupid is in the closet. After saying hello they leave and move on to their next adventure. They see themselves in a mirror and make fun of the people they see. They eat disgusting things for dinner, and dress in clown costumes to go to bed. There is no plot at all to this book at all.
Personal Reaction:            
            After reading this book, I realized that there were fifteen minutes of my life that I would not ever get back. Not only is the book entirely offensive and inappropriate, but it is not even funny or believable. At least Amelia Bedilia has a little characterization and some creativity. In addition, you can use those books to teach multiple meaning words. This book has neither characterization nor creativity. I am embarrassed for Albuquerque Public Library because they possess several copies in their holdings. Not that I even wish to censor, it is just a waste of money. If you want good slapstick, read Mad Magazine, at least it usually makes sense. The illustrations are further disturbing, they depict a framed picture of a tree on the wall of the house and underneath it says “flower.” In addition, there is a picture of a flower on the next page and it says “tree.” The characters in the book are designed to look “ugly,” because they have to make fun of themselves in front of the mirror. I just wonder who is stupider, the characters of the book or the author, publisher, and illustrator?
Allard, H., & Marshall, J. (1974). The Stupids step out. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

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