Monday, August 1, 2011

City Dog, Country Frog/ Notable

Plot Summary:
            This book does not follow a typical plot line; it is organized in a circular, seasonal way. The story begins in the spring when City Dog visits the country and meets Country Frog. The two become fast friends and Country Frog teaches many country games to City Dog. In the summer, City Dog comes back and teaches Country Frog city games. In the fall, Country Frog is too tired for games and the two just talk about all the fun they have had in the past. In the winter, City Dog cannot find Country Frog. In the spring he meets a new friend, Country Chipmunk.
Personal Reaction:            
            This is a very simple story of friendship and acceptance. It sends a very good and peaceful message. It also addresses change, I love that City Dog makes a new friend in the end instead of missing his old one. The illustrations, done in watercolor, are bright and cheerful, yet appropriate to the season and the tone of the book. Winter is more bleak, and spring is more merry of course. In addition, the illustrations increase comprehension and are appropriate for the words. I really liked this book.
Willems, M., & Muth, J. J. (2010). City Dog, Country Frog. New York: Hyperion Books for Children.

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